
How to Send a Query Request

  • Command line
xplad query wasm contract-state smart <contract_address> '<JSON_formed_message>'


xplad query wasm contract-state smart xpla1kmag3937lrl6dtsv29mlfsedzngl9egv5c3apnr468q50gu04zrqea398u '{"pairs":{}}'

ex) Where eyJwYWlycyI6e319 is Base64-encoded string of {"pairs":{}}


How to Organize a Query Message

You may check <contract>/src/msg.rs of each contract.
Here is an example. Query messages are defined as below:

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, JsonSchema)]
#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")]
pub enum QueryMsg {
    Balance { address: <Addr> },

This is one of the messages

Balance { address: <Addr> }

You may change it into snake case and add within {} as like below:

{"balance": {"address": "<Addr>"}}

Addr is a type, which is bech32-encoded address xpla prefixed.
Here is an example:

{"balance": {"address": "xpla1..."}}

This rule also can be applied to other messages, so you can utilize this guide as a reference for your practice.